Areas of Practice:
Artist in Residence - RSPB:
I have a strong interest in Natural History and specifically invertebrates and their often-overlooked importance to environmental stability. This has lead to my role as Artist In Residence with the RSPB using creative engagement to communicate concerns regarding environmental issues and encourage deeper engagement by the public with the natural world especially at a local level and includes suggesting options for personal grassroots action.
I have carried from my previous career in Design for Moving Image a strong interest creation of site specific and immersive environments and the presentation of fragments of narratives and characters within ‘real’ spaces. I enjoy the development settings that are evocative of a character and suggest a story. I use these techniques to generate interest and intrigue that invites in-depth investigation and links an audience to the artworks message in a subtle and self-defined manner.
Similarly within my sculptural work; I reimagine or repurpose reclaimed objects into new configurations in response to specific locations and histories, producing sculptural pieces that invite personal judgment as to context or message.
Creative Engagement:
I believe that creativity is an inherent human trait and aim to embed participant lead focus within all creative engagement projects. It is vital that project outcome is guided by participants and that the activities and undertaking are as important as the end product.
ReCyCle Rochdale - Art Bikes for The Cooperative Pioineers Museum
Catalyst Junk Sculpture - Oldham Arts Development
Abirdabode Art Bird Box Project
Public Art.
I have created public art for a number of Local Councils and National Agencies both for direct commisison and as the outcome of creative engegement projects.
One Wing Amongst Many
I have previously worked closely with Leicester Arts to produce a series of Tactile Artworks with specific connection to dementia and schools usage.
Leicester Arts Held In The Hand. |